

  • A place where we celebrate the amazing strengths you put to work in the classroom as a teacher and the ways those strengths can be put to work outside of the classroom.
  • A place where transitioning teachers, like you, can find research-based information, clear guidance toward identifying and landing your next work-life pursuit, and constructive support while navigating your transition.


  • Teacher Transition is not an effort to persuade anyone to leave teaching. Not at all. It’s simply a resource to help for those whose personal path leads them elsewhere to navigate that transition smoothly.
  • Teacher Transition is not a platform for any kind of negativity about the unique challenges involved in the teaching profession. All professions have unique challenges and we honor those who work in the teaching field, regardless of how long or short their personal contribution is in that particular field.


  • Current teachers looking for a job change right away or sometime in the future
  • Former teachers who are looking for ways to use their training and skills in areas of the workforce outside of the classroom
  • Teachers who are getting close to retirement and who are exploring other potential work avenues
  • Anyone who wants to see and celebrate many ways teachers put their training and skills to work outside of the classroom


We have helped hundreds of teachers identify and land their next dream jobs. They now work at education companies, corporate companies, for themselves as independent freelancers, at universities and more. Their influences and their futures have now extended far beyond their  classroom walls. Here is what just a few of them have to say.


Thanks so much for the companies you recommended! I reached out to one and landed a job with them! I'm loving it! Thanks!!
Ed Tech Specialist
"I successfully transitioned from the school district to working as a learning designer! I love my new job and feel very good about the choices I made and the hard work I put into it. It is very interesting work and paying off already. I appreciate you taking the time to help me know that it is possible to move on from teaching."
Ethan Deceuster
Learning Designer
Thank you so much for your help with the switch from teaching to another field. I'm incredibly grateful that you would sacrifice time out of an insanely busy life and help a stranger. Thanks for graciously sharing your experience. It gave me the courage and direction I needed. It was a tender mercy to see another teacher who was led down a different path. With much gratitude,"
Brittany D.
Former Teacher


Hi, I’m Ali, the founder of Teacher Transition. 

Since going beyond my classroom I’ve enjoyed a variety of roles that to me are “dream jobs.”  I went from being an elementary school teacher to becoming an ed tech trainer, educational consultant, university instructor, instructional designer, learning strategist, project manager, and business owner. I have loved working with education companies, corporate companies, universities, and for the companies I have created. 

Shortly after landing my first job outside of the classroom, a teacher I had never met before approached me and asked how I landed that role. It was her dream job and it was mine as well. Since that time, just like her, teacher friends and friends of friends started reaching out to me for advice on how I made the transition. 

I knew from my own experience that it was very challenging to find and land that first opportunity beyond the classroom in a role that I loved. As more teachers continued to reach out to me, I quickly learned that this was a challenging transition for many teachers and that there are not many quality resources to help teachers as identify and land the opportunities they want next.

Seeing this need, and sincerely wanting to help this great group of people led me to creating Teacher Transition as a passion project.

I’m excited to hear how the support you find in our free resources as well as in our courses and membership will help you discover, follow, and thrive on the incredible path that is ahead for you.

Let’s get you there together,
