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The Purpose of Teacher Transition

Why start a website and podcast about “quitting teaching?” I get that question a lot. The truth is it’s not about “quitting” at all. It’s about everything else: a teacher’s future, needs, interests, and other new ways teachers want to learn, grow, and contribute in the world.


So, what is the purpose of Teacher Transition? To say it simply, it’s to…

  1. Help current and former teachers who are considering or looking for other work opportunities.

  2. Develop a culture that welcomes teachers’ consideration of other fields in which they can contribute in society.

  3. Clearly communicate research-based facts related to what transitioning teachers are feeling, thinking, and doing.

  4. Celebrate the amazing things former teacher do now.



Let’s also be clear with what Teacher Transition is NOT:

  • Teacher Transition is not an effort to persuade anyone to leave teaching. Not at all. Rather, it is simply a resource for those whose personal path leads them elsewhere in an effort to help them navigate that transition smoothly.

  • Teacher Transition is not a platform for any kind of negativity about the unique challenges involved in the teaching profession. All professions have unique challenges and we honor those who work in the teaching field, regardless of how long or short their personal contribution in that particular field may be.

When our perspectives and the lens that we see through changes from one that looks solely to students and what’s best for them, to one that also sees teachers, their needs and what’s best for them as well (even when that leads them to go beyond the classroom), we will then have a correct perspective on how to best serve everyone’s needs.

- Ali

The Purpose of Teacher Transition