
How to Become Confident You’re Ready to Quit Teaching This Year

The Show Notes:
How to Become Confident You're Ready to Quit Teaching This Year

Leaving the classroom is a big deal. That’s because your desire and commitment to influencing lives the way you have in the past few – or many years is a big deal. In this episode, I’m going to meet you right in the middle of that struggle so you can learn how to become confident you’re ready to quit teaching this year.

Part of you may know that it’s time for something new. And another part of you may be totally overwhelmed with the unknowns that come with taking this huge step – which often leads to feeling completely stuck.

Let’s take a minute to unpack why you might be feeling so overwhelmed so can slide into a new career with confidence sooner! 

Perhaps You Can Relate

I recently received an email from a teacher in the Teacher Transition Membership who was feeling so stuck. When I read this email, it instantly took me back to the beginning of my transition. How can you really know if you’re ready to quit teaching? If you’re considering a career transition, you’re likely facing one of these challenges:

  • I’m not staying focused on the course
  • There’s anxiety that comes with actually having to resign
  • I don’t know exactly what I want to transition into yet
  • I need support in this one area of the process
  • I’m struggling with imposter syndrome

Totally Ready, But Sort of - Not Ready

Chances are, there’s a piece of you that is totally confident about your desire to make a transition. You’ve been feeling it for months and the thought of returning in the fall makes your stomach sink a little.

But another piece of you feels so overwhelmed with making the decision. What will you say to your co-workers, your students, and your administrator? Then, of course, there’s the most important piece – your finances. Can you replace your teaching income and benefits? And how quickly could you do that?

The idea of updating your resume and interviewing for a position you have no experience in also stops you in your tracks.

It’s Time to Stop Spinning Your Wheels

Let me assure you, all these concerns are really valid. But until you take the time to identify which one of these fears are holding you back, you won’t be able to make any progress.

So take a minute and make a good old-fashioned t-chart. On one side, make a list of all the things that make you confident about your decision to change. On the other, list all of the things that are holding you back from making the decision to quit teaching. You know – all the things that are making your freak out.

Get Some Traction To Prepare to Quit Teaching

Now that you can look at both sides of the t-chart objectively, we can take a closer look at the fears. The goal here is to discover what we can do to take action to reduce those fears.

How much income do you need to replace? And how soon? How much money do you need to have saved up? Do you need to have a position lined up before you resign? What kinds of tools and resources do you want to invest in? What kind of support do you need from your spouse or partner?

These are just some ideas. But for each of these fears, identify for yourself what a reasonable definition of being ready to quit teaching would look like for you. Mapping this out will give you the ability to move forward. You will be able to make this transition with clarity and peace of mind! And this is absolutely the goal.

What’s on your t-chart? What’s holding you back? I’d love to hear from you so we can figure out how to get unstuck faster!

Could you use the extra support in taking the next step after the classroom?

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Teaching can be a great springboard into other new jobs and roles…. but you have to know how to make it happen.

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Resources Mentioned in the Show

“Wondering whether you’d enjoy being a trainer or an instructional designer? take the quiz to see which role you’d prefer!

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